Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So long!

Oh my goodness!  It has been so long since I've updated my blog!  The reason I am updating right now is actually because I'm at district wide meeting about using technology in the classroom and I am supposed to be an expert on blogs!  I am far from an expert but it reminded me to update!  I need to make it a point to get back on here more often!  Brief over view before I have to return to my group.
Golf is over, one girl went to sectionals, missed State by 10 strokes.  Exciting!  The van was returned, sadly.
Basketball will begin in a very short time and I am already getting sucked in to doing a ton of work and it will only get worse.  I really because the subservient coach in about 15 days.  But, I am super excited for our season.
Teaching is going well still which I am so thankful for!  I have been out of the building about 10 times this semester which is craziness but we are all making it work.  I have to finish grading all giant projects before bball season or it won't happen.
Classes are going well for me, busy busy, school law is super iinteresting and school and community relations is super unorganized.
OK, I need to get back to work.  Talk to you guys soon!

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