Saturday, November 26, 2011


      Sometimes I forget to be thankful for all of the amazing things I have and none of it deserved.  My list could be days long and still not actually cover everything individually I have to be thankful for.       
      So, I will try to cover it all in a very quick fashion.
I am thankful for my amazing family (even with all it's craziness and extensions, my family is truly uplifting)
I am thankful for my job (sometimes I groan or complain but teaching is exactly where I am supposed to be and I'm so lucky to work with awesome people and havre the coaching jobs I've always wanted)
I am thankful for all of my stuff (house, car, education, etc.)
I am thankful for my friends and coworkers who can always be counted on to keep me honest and help me out, keep me laughing, and support me when laughing is the last thing I want to do.
      My Mom deserves her own special thanks.  She is an amazing example of a hardworking, independent, driven, focused, godly woman.  My mom has sacrificed so much for me she gives until it hurts and would do anything, absolutely anything for me.  Thank you mom for your unfathomable love and support.  Maybe it's just a Mother's Love but I don't buy that.  I think my mom goes above and beyond and I am so grateful for everything she does.
And none of this do I deserve.  I thank God for all of these great things in my life.  I will work hard to earn them every day but I know I never can fully earn it.    

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