Welp, here I am, Saturday night, after 11pm and I have not left the house the entire day. No kidding! I mean I hardly think a walk to the mailbox qualifies. I did shower and do load of dishes so that's one step under semi-productive. Right?
Now, lets talk about this trip to the mailbox. I open the door and put my hand on the screen door to open it, something moves on the other side of the door, I proceed onto the porch and turn to look at the door. There is a giant brown spider running around. He runs from me and just as he runs into the hinges of the door and out of sight EEEEEK! I scream! Something landing on my head! I jump, dance, stomp my legs and swat at my head. It was a grass hopper. Where did it come from? Why? Where did the spider go? All remain unanswered.
All of my friends are busy tonight. So, I couldn't come up with any solid plans. Trish and her baby girl (6 years old) stopped by for about an hour to watch iCarly and grab a quick bite to eat before they took off for a day trip to Sioux Falls. I envy her spontaneity but just couldn't take a trip like that on a last minute whim but truly appreciated the invite. Random interjection, one of my favorite commercials right now is the guy who starts sleep driving, and his dog goes to the foot of the bed to enjoy the fan in his face. Very cute!
It sounds weird but I actually feel like I don't have a lot to do because my classes haven't started for this semester. I'm sure I will really regret that statement and envy this moment in a few weeks but it's true. All summer, in every moment of downtime I was doing homework. I think I mentioned in my last blog I'm taking School Law and School and Community Relations as well as trying to make head way on my 120 admin. hours and my giant research paper. Plus, teaching Challenge World and Psych which are both grade intensive courses I've got to stay up on. So, I'm sure I will be super busy soon enough. So in the spirit of that, I put a few assignments in the grade book with down the road due dates to try to keep kids and parents looking down the road.
Today I also registered a team to do the Alzheimer's 5k in October. Our team name is The Unforgettables. I spent some time making a shirt that I'll likely never print that I really would enjoy having. A picture of me and Mamma on the front with our team name and a picture of me and Patt Summitt on the back with the words Never Forget This Moment. On a light purple shirt. My aunt made the first team donation today. I can't wait to raise the money and have people join the team. Not sure if anyone is reading this but if you are and you'd like to help out me, my team, or the fight against Alzheimer's in general check out my team website. Thanks for any support you can give!
Walk to end Alzheimer's Page
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