Friday, August 26, 2011

One week down

      The moment has arrived, the one I've always waited for.  I have good kids!!!!  I finally have a group of students that don't make me question my career choice.  I may finish the year without wanting to quit.  My psych class is big, 33, but good!  Challenge World History is awesome, good kids and ready to work!  My regular world class isn't bad although I've feared it.  And, STAR 11 is riddled with good kids and I think we will be okay.  I'm very excited for the year although I KNOW it will be super busy! 
      I am coaching golf, basketball, and track.  Master's classes that remain looming until graduation are 1. School Law  2. School and Community Relations  3.  a giant research paper  4. 120 hours of administrative duties.  Hopefully all by May.  In order to get those hours I have joined the building team for the AVID program, am organizing the homecoming parade, and a variety of other tasks.
      I've decided to do the Alzheimer's Walk October 1st to honor my grandmother's and my hero who was recently diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's.  Who ever thought I would be a 5k'er?  Certainly not me!   Maybe one day I'll actually run one of them, maybe not.  :)  After the Alzheimer's focus I'll be switching it back to Breast Cancer for the rest of the year.  I'm talking with other teachers about fund raising options and even head shavings!  Things could get crazy!
      No plans for the weekend.  More to come soon!

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